Coming up this month we have two anniversaries and we continue our series in the book of Jonah.
Sunday 9th
Morning service 11:00
Today is our Pastor’s anniversary service. Our guest speaker this morning is Michael Teuth, Pastor at Flitwick Baptist Church and a member of the FIEC board.
Evening 6:30pm
Sunday 16th
Morning service 11:00
We continue our series on the book of Jonah. Martin Hull will be preaching on Jonah 2:10 to 3:10
Evening 6:30pm
Sunday 23rd
Morning service 11:00
Andrew Evans will be preaching on Jonah 4:1-4
Evening 6:30pm
Sunday 30th
Morning service 11:00
Today is our Church Anniversary service. We are joined today by Keith Ferdinando, Associate Pastor at Woodford Evangelical Church.
Evening 6:30pm
Advance notice – Sunday 6th November
Today we are taking part in a joint meeting with the churches of the Wanstead and Woodford Evangelical Fellowship. Dr. John Whyatt, Consultant paediatrician, will be speaking on ‘The Christian faith and end of life issues’.
We hope you can join us!