Our toddler group Ready Steady Go meets during term time on Wednesdays from 10am-11.30am.!
At RSG you will find a warm welcome, a hot drink, a chance to chat and lots and lots of toys!
Some weeks there’ll be a special craft activity.
Just after 11am, everyone helps tidy up and then there is a singing time and a short Bible story before heading home at 11.30am.
As space at Ready Steady Go is limited for safety reasons, we operate a waiting list system. So whilst we never turn away new folk, after staying and playing for your first session, you may have to go on the waiting list if we are already at capacity.
Whilst we welcome parents, grandparents, carers and childminders; if you are a childminder it should be noted that we may need to prioritise places to new parents or grandparents who may be more in need of the support and social contact that a playgroup such as RSG can offer.
It should also be noted that places will be allocated per individual child rather than to the supervising adult. We also may need to limit numbers of children brought by childminders to two children per childminder.
Singing | Books | Play dough |
Puzzles | Home corner | Bikes |
Colouring | Slides | Trains |
Who is it for? | Ready, Steady, Go is a group for toddlers aged 0-4 years. |
When is it? | 10am to 11:30am most Wednesdays during Redbridge school term times (occasionally we may finish a week early or commence a week later) |
Does it cost anything? | £1 per child. We also ask that you bring a reusable/travel mug if you can. |